• Birch Tree Sap with Lime and Ginger

750 ml
£2,69 Gross
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Birch tree sap is acquired from tree trunks, leaves and buds. It has its roots in folk medicine. It has a variety of medicinal properties. It supports the urinary, digestive and cardiovascular systems, detoxifies the body, and greatly improves the condition of skin and hair, but most of all it strengthens our immune system.

To add a little variety to birch tree sap, we enriched it with the refreshing lime aroma and invigorating action of ginger which not only has an interesting and intense flavour but also displays antiseptic and warming up properties. Lime is rich in bioflavonoids characterised by antioxidative and anti-cancer action. Bio Naturo birch tree sap with lime and ginger is an organic product based only on natural ingredients.
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